Photo Credit : Bryan O’Sullivan-1st Dibs

Interior Trends We’ve Said Goodbye To In 2023

If Casa by Josephine Jenno has one main goal, it's to make your house feel like an extension of yourself. A space that reflects your personality, a place that's as vibrant as you are. And it should go without saying that your taste is paramount, and you may well want many of what we list below, and we would never dream of dissuading you. But to us, these trends go counter to our goal of unique-looking homes. These are the six trends we're hoping to not see in 2023.

Photo Credit: House and Garden

Anything overly trendy has to end-y

It's natural to want to bottle lightning and hop on the latest trends - but it's also good that we didn't all build our house from beanie babies. What we're saying here is that some recent trends have aged out of fashion before you've even had a chance to dust them: huge lighting fixtures for one, Chesterfield sofas for another. Keeping up with the Joneses is understandable, but you run the risk of dating your home.

Photo Credit: House and Garden

No more fast decor

Fast decor is our biggest bugbear - the price may be small but the problems aren't. It's mass-produced and massive amounts of it become refuse. It's often in and out of houses quicker than many guests. It's not even particularly cost-effective, because you have to replace it sooner rather than later. And it makes everyone's home look the same. So it's dull in appearance, environmentally disastrous, a social faux-pas and doesn't even save you money in the long run. Apart from that, it's fine.

Photo Credit: House and Garden

Away with boucle

Boucle, for so long, has been the style adorning everything. The chunky style was a pandemic favourite, and we've seen the looping thick fabric rounding off corners on pillows, sofas and chairs absolutely everywhere. The omnipresence is the problem: the overuse of the yarn has us yearning for something more. It'll have its time again - it always does - but aren't we at the end of our tether with this trend?

Photo Credit: House and Garden

It's goodnight to all-white minimalist kitchens

A kitchen should feel warm and welcoming, a space for more than just saucepans and spices. But many modern kitchens seem so barren that even food looks like an infringement. That's the all-white design - so formless and bare that it seems like we're trespassing on a cloud. Thankfully, we seem to be welcoming colour back into our kitchens, so we'll be seeing less people storing apples in spaces that look like an Apple Store. It'll be easier to clean, too. (And while we’re thinking of ways to make your kitchen feel unique and not mass-produced, we’ve got just the piece - why not our colourful array of fine plates?)

Photo Credit: Home Designing

Greige days

Greige is the new neutral, and minimalist all-greige is everywhere. Here's our problem: the word greige now sounds like the feeling it inspires in us, something like a growling sigh. It just makes our eyes glaze over a little, because we've seen it a lot - that same desaturated, drab shade. The paint may have a different name, but the feeling’s the same. Surely we deserve a home that elicits some emotion instead of numbing our senses?

Photo Credit: Studio-McGee

Send the country farmhouse out to pasture

The outdoors has made its way indoors in recent years with the rustic farmhouse look. And it's understandable - who doesn't fantasise about going off the grid and living off the fat of the land - but again, it comes down to individuality. The faux farm look is fine, but it feels like an impression of an impression. It doesn't feel hugely specific for many who aren't actually, well, living in farmhouses, and that's a real issue for us.